Thursday, September 30, 2010

Last Sketch of the Month!

I hate to say it but this is the last sketch of the month! Where the heck has the time gone? sigh Well let's hop to it!

Be inspired by our Dollies!




So there you have it! Are the ideas coming alive in your noggin? Run with it! Let's see what you can create. You have until Wednesday Oct 6 at midnight EST to get in on the sketch OR Sunday Oct 3 at midnight EST  to get your Trifecta on. 

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Final Elements Challenge for September!

Welcome back Doll fans! Our final elements challenge for the month is a recipe for ya... This week, please use the following items in your next project:

1. A ticket (any type)
2. The color yellow
3. Polka dots
4. Paint
5. Journaling or a WORDY sentiment

And as always, we have some intrepid examples to help you get that mojo going...

From Chiqui, she has this AMAZING brick looking Back to School page
And Penny wowed us with this double page work of art:

My camera is officially kaput, so hopefully I'll be able to share my creations with the blogosphere at another date, but in the meantime, get cracking on YOUR work of art and upload via the little froggy by Midnight on Monday, October 4th to be included in the final Elements drawing (and a SWEET certificate to Scrap A Doodle Doo!) for the month! Happy Scrappin!

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Monday, September 27, 2010

LAST Color Challenge for Sept - win YUMMY BasicGrey!

Monday again!
If you're stuck at work, well it just means you have something to look forward to when you go home, 'cuz I have a brand new COLOR CHALLENGE for you - the last one of the month, and your last chance to win THIS:

HOT prize pack of Halloweeny goodness from BasicGrey plus some coordinating fixin's!

You wanna know what to do THIS week? Well here's your very first ingredient for the final TRIFECTA of September....


And we'd like to give a HUGE thank you to JINGLE, who has played with us in the Dollhouse as our Guest Dollie for the month of September! She's rocked her assignments, and I'm quite sure she's wowed you, too, so drop by her blog and leave some love (and do follow - she's FULL of brilliant ideas!).
Here's Jingle's last Dollies project for this month:

And a little something from moi, Leah the Orange:

A tasty little country-inspired card from our Dollie Nicole:

And a lovely page with some fabby details from our Nerd-Dollie, Metal_Minish:

A few of our Dollies were a bit intimidated by these colors - what do you think? They still managed to rock it, didn't they?

Well if you're willing to brave this one, you'll get entered to win the fabby prize above, and all you have to do is make something (anything!) NEW (no back-linking!), enter your link below, link back to the Dollhouse in your blog post, and make sure it's submitted by next SUNDAY, October 3rd at midnight EST.

You are welcome to wait until tomorrow's Elements Challenge, or even Thursday's Sketch Challenge release, if you'd like to combine any or all of these for chances to win MORE yummy prizes, but it all wraps up Sunday night, so have at 'er! Happy craftin', folks!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sketch Thursday

Howdy howdy challenge go'ers! Another week is almost in the can and we have officially stepped into fall. Though 87 degrees here in Michigan makes me wanna close my eyes and pretend otherwise :) Today's sketch is a pleaser I think! Let's hop to!

Here's the Dollies inspiration board!

our uber creative GDT Jingle




So there you have it! Are the ideas coming alive in your noggin? Run with it! Let's see what you can create. You have until Wednesday Sept 29th at midnight EST to get in on the sketch OR Sunday Sept 26 at midnight EST  to get your Trifecta on. 

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Welcome fall!!

Hello all, and welcome to the Fall season! Today marks the last day of summer (officially), and I don't know about you, but in my neck of the woods (no pun intended!), the leaves are already beginning to turn red and orange in preparation for the autumn months!

So in honor of this crisp time of year, please use plenty of fall leaves in your next project of choice. As always, we have some examples for ya!

Check out Karen's gorgeous foliage on this page:

While Metal_Minish went all Vintage on us with THIS doozy:
And Adina got paper piecey happy for this altered project:
So crack out some leaf makers or left over leafy scraps and get scrap happy with us this week! Upload your fall foliage projects via the little froggy for inclusion in the drawing for this month's $15 Shopping Spree at Scrap-A-Doodle Doo! Your projects must be created NEW for this challenge, and you MUST link back to the Dollhouse in your blog post in order to be eligible. Have fun!

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Monday, September 20, 2010

COLORS for this week - Black, Burgundy, Yellow!

Okay folks, it's Monday again, so we have wrapped up yet another Trifecta - and HOOOOOOO nellie! Lemme tell ya, some AMAZING Trifectae have come our way in the last four days! You folks are just incredible, and we LOVE that you enjoy combining our challenges and rollin' 'em all into one gorgeous project!

So today, allow me to bring you the FIRST ingredient for this week's Trifecta....

Your colors are:
with the option of WHITE

When you check out these examples from our Dollies, you tell ME if it looks like they've struggled with this combination! Some of them have said they found it to be a bit tough, but I'm not buying it. Here's why...

Dana's gorgeous layout just BEGGED for these colors - check out that upholstery!

A classy card from yours truly, Leah the Orange, who found that
BasicGrey seemed to love this combo as well! (hint, hint!)

Chiqui nailed it with a stunning romantic page, and
Little Yellow Bicycle gave her exactly what she needed!

So how ya like DEM apples? We know you can rock it, so no complaints about how HARD this color combo is... You've got it in you, friends, and I can't wait to see whatcha got!

Here's a look at the prize for this month's Color Challenges:

'Cuz I DO loves me the BasicGrey! Play along for your chance to win! Remember, your creations must be NEW for this challenge, you MUST link back to the Dollhouse, and your link must be added below no later than MIDNIGHT EST on Sunday, September 26th. Happy craftin', and we'll be back tomorrow with a brand new Elements Challenge!

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Sketch Challenge

Well I can't help but think that this week has beenn super busy! It seemed like it started out that way and kept up. But I managed to get my camera up and running which means I not only have a sketch for you but the pic of our September Prize! Yay! What is it you ask?

I hope you likey and it gives you a push to play along! NOW... here is today's sketch!

Here is our Dollies' inspiration...





So many ways to take this one! So what do you have in store for us? I can't wait to see! If you are just going to interpret this sketch, your due date is Wednesday Sept 22 @ midnight EST. Combining it with either or both of our other challenges? Then you have until Sunday Sept 19 @ midnight EST. Remember your projects must be NEW for our challenges, and you MUST link back to the Dollhouse in your blog post!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Happy Birthday... to YOU...

Welcome to a fabby Elements Tuesday with your favorite Dollies!!! Before I get into this week's challenge, it is my pleasure to announce last month's winner of the FABULOUS Basic Grey prize pack from Scrap-A-Doodle Doo!!

SO, congrats to the ORIGINAL Glitterbabe, Stef H for this gawjuss creation:
Please email us with your snail mail addy so we can get that Basic Grey kit out your way! :)

This month's Elements Prize is also sponsored by Scrap-A-Doodle Doo, where you can enjoy a $15 spending spree at their online store. Check 'em out and start creating your wish list! (Right AFTER you play with this week's challenge, that is!)

SO, get out your Birthday sentiments and create a Birthday Inspired project. Can be a Birthday card or a layout or an altered item, but the Birthday theme must be predominant! (Easy one?!?)

Here's what the Dollies have for ya...

Adina made some... ODD invitations for her DD's Seventh Birthday party
(featuring the yet to be released Spa Kaylee!!)
While Nicole made the MOST adorable Chick Birthday card! :) (Don't you LOVE her coloring? And those felt flowers are TOO cute!)
And Ms. Penny cranked out her creative and doodling genius for this adorable card!
(Check out the texture on the cupcake holder! SO creative!)

And there you have it! In order to get your name placed in the drawing for this month's prize, please upload your projects via Mr. Linky by Midnight on Monday, September 20th. And for you Trifecta fanatics, Kristy will be back on Thursday with this week's sketch, which you will have until Sunday to use with yesterday's color challenge and today's elements piece! :) Best of luck!

Monday, September 13, 2010

BRIGHT Color Challenge with huge prize for September!

Okay, my apologies for posting this so late - it's been one HECKOFADAY! You know the kind I'm talking about, right? I'm sure you do, and I hope you'll forgive me.

Hopefully this week's Color Challenge will be a little easier than last week's Grey, Green and White combo - I think that brought the LOWEST number of participants for one of my challenges since the Dollies kicked off in October 2009! Well those of you who did play along totally ROCKED the colors, so thank you for braving it! :)

Today/tonight, something that might be a bit easier (but still totally up my alley!). I give you...

Technically, you can use any shades of these, but red is RED, not pink or wine or burgundy or what have you... So do with this combination what you will! You can create anything you like, as long as these are the PREDOMINANT colors.

Feast your eyes on some Dollie inspiration:

Jingle, our AMAZING Guest Dollie for September, made a glass
slide ornament and played with alcohol inks... CHECK THIS OUT!

The lovely Dana brought some elegance to the table with this wonderful notecard:

The doodly Karen gave us some serious WHIMSY with this quirky little page:

and I, Leah the Orange, used up some scraps and started
the rebuilding of my birthday card stash:

See? Not so bad, right? Well if you want to play along, you'll be in the running for THIS:

But it's IMPORTANT that you follow the rules - we don't ask much!

Create something NEW for this project (no linking to projects already created or posted). Link to your POST, not to your general blog, so it's easy for us to find you and shower you with Dollie love. Link BACK to the Dollhouse in your post, so people reading your blog can check out our challenges for themselves (and fall madly in love with Design Dollies!). :) Play along by Sunday, September 19th at midnight, EST. You can combine this one with either or both of the challenges for this week, but everything resets on Sunday at midnight, and starts over again on Monday with the next color challenge. If you're not sure about any of this, CLICK HERE for information about the TRIFECTA! If you combine challenges and follow all the rules, you're eligible for any of those prize packages for the month. We know a lot of you combine challenges around the blogosphere, so why not play in one place for chances at three different prizes? :) Yeah, we think it's a pretty great concept, too.

Happy craftin', folks!

Color Challenge coming soon!

Morning, friends and visitors of the Dollhouse!

I've spent the morning running around with my hubbin, trying to figure out what's wrong with his car, and we are waiting for the tow truck to arrive so we can get it to my dealership. We'll probably be there a while, and hopefully they can fix it today. I'll be back later this afternoon or this evening with the new challenge - please be patient! :D

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Sketch it up!

Is it just me or has fall jumped on in without a proper send off to summer? Its like BAM cold September1. I've got a sweater on for cripes sake. Oh well. We've got some hot dolls here for ya today to whisk away the cold so let's get this party started!

Here's the Hawt Dolls now...




I hope you enjoy playing with this easy breezey sketch. LOs based soley on the sketch are due Wednesday Sept 15th by midnight EST. Combining 2 or more of this week's challenges? Then your due by Sunday Sept 12 at midnight EST. Have fun!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

September's COLOR CHALLENGES prize! ooohhh, spooooky!

Wanna know what you'll be playing for this month? If you participate in ANY of my Color Challenges during the month of September, either on their own or combined with the Elements or Sketch challenges for the week, you'll be entered to win ALL OF THIS:

BasicGrey's "Eerie" collection pack: 18 double-sided 12x12 papers, 1 sheet of coordinating alpha stickers, 1 sheet of coordinating cardstock stickers (I LOVE THE BORDER STICKERS!)
BasicGrey's "Eerie" Chip Stickers - 4 sheets of spooky, sticky goodness! the TREE is my fave!
BasicGrey's "Eerie" Epoxy Stickers - 1 sheet of 17 cute accent stickers
BasicGrey's "Eerie" Rub-ons - 5 sheets of some of the SMOOTHEST rub-ons you've ever tried!
my assortment of spooky trims - 7 strips of approximately 1 yard each (36 inches) in black, kraft, purple, orange, green
my assortment of spooky brads - a WHOLE BUNCH in matching colors and shapes!
1 gold and 1 silver gel pen

everything you see in these photos - that's a whole lot of Halloween cards and scrappy pages!

Yesterday's COLOR CHALLENGE was the first for the month, so GET IN ON IT!

Alter it Tuesday!

Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back! :) So sorry for the delayed posting (school started for us today officially and I honestly got caught up in the back to work thing...). So this will be a quickie and I'll be back later on this week to post a pic of the new prize and our August winner...

This week's Elements challenge is to create an ATC using your own flair... AND the twist is to then USE that ATC in a project of your own design. SO your project is two fold and should show both the ATC and the completed project (before and after shots?)...
Here goes some inspiration from the Dollhouse!
Please welcome our September Guest Designer, Jingle, who TOTALLY rocked this challenge with a fabby interpretation:

While Dana got funky and WAY outside the box with this beautiful butterfly: And Karen definitely didn't go by the book with this gorgeous homage to her daughter's Guinea pig!Which she transformed into a bookmark!
And Adina played with some Vintagesque looks
To create a vintagey card (which was then sent to her Nana!) :)
And Chiqui got timeless with this ATC:
And then TOTALLY pulled out her vintage/shabby chicness to make THIS gorgeous card:

And there you have it folks... Please upload all newly created ATC/completed projects via Mr. Linky by midnight EST on Tuesday, September 14th in order to be included in this month's drawing. Be sure to link BACK to the Dollhouse on your blog post - and please show us your ATC as well as the new project you've created USING the ATC (you only need to post one link as long as both photos are on your blog).

You can combine this challenge with Monday's Color Challenge, or wait until tomorrow for the Sketch Challenge and try your hand at the TRIFECTA, if you're feeling daring! Trifecta projects must be completed by Sunday night at midnight EST as the new Color Challenge will go live Monday morning.