Monday, October 5, 2009

OUR FIRST CHALLENGE - and the lowdown

okay folks, today we present our FIRST Design Dollies challenge, and we're starting off SIMPLE with a colour challenge!

BUT before i give you the colours, and show you what the Dollies have created, i'll fill you in on how the challenges are going to work...

1. three challenges per week - mondays are colour challenges, brought to you by myself, Leah the Orange. tuesdays we bring you our elements challenges (i.e. a recipe), hosted by the lovely Adina, and thursdays are sketch challenges, brought to you by our sketch queen, Kristy! occasionally we MAY throw in something different instead of the scheduled challenge, or even something EXTRA, so be prepared! :)

2. each of these challenges will have a monthly prize. this means we're giving away THREE prize packs per month, and all entries for each category will go into the "hat" for a chance to win. IF, however, you choose to combine any of our challenges for that week, you will get an entry for each of the categories that apply. for example, you combine the colour, elements, and sketch challenge into one FABULOUS project for that week, you are entered for ALL THREE of the prizes. if you combine two of the challenges, you'll be entered for two of the prizes. some of you may try to do this, and that's fine, but you MUST link your project to EACH of the challenges for that week.

3. all entries are due the night before the next challenge for that category is posted. colours challenges are due by the following sunday at midnight. elements are due the following monday at midnight. sketches are due the following wednesday at midnight. HOWEVER... if you're combining any of them, we must have your entries by sunday at midnight! we're aware this only gives you from thursday to sunday, but we know some of you are extremely ambitious - we have faith in you! :D

4. weeks do NOT overlap for those who want to combine challenges. you can combine up to three challenges, but on sunday, it starts all over again and you can combine the next three challenges if you like.

5. instructions will be posted for each challenge; follow them closely! some may allow you to interpret them "loosely", while others are very specific. the colours are specified, and must always be the predominant colours of your project. the elements are set out for you, and all of them must be included. the sketches are meant to be followed, not used as a basic inspiration. this means that we must SEE the sketch in your project. they can be turned or inverted or flipped, and sometimes a shape may be replaced with another, but it's all about the placement!

6. our challenges are open worldwide! just be sure to follow, and please let us know if you have any questions!

.... now then! was that enough information for you on a monday morning? if i've left anything out, i apologize, and i will revise or edit if necessary, but these are the general rules. of course, as our blog is in its infancy, there is always room for improvement, so if we make any changes, we will definitely let you know! :)

so, let's begin with a colour challenge, shall we? again, these colours MUST be the predominant ones in your project.

we'll start with Royal Blue, White and Black:

here are The Dollies' creations....



Leah the Orange:

and here's what you're playing for:

(Thickers "Vera Accents" in black vinyl, Martha Stewart dimensional strawberries stickers, KI Memories "Bubbletter" clear alpha stamps, EK Success "CutterBee" piercing bugs, Scrap Essentials 60 pc photo turns, Sweetwater "plug-it-in" 2" black chipboard letters, 44" fuschia/lime mini ball trim)

there you have it! let's see what you can come up with using royal blue, black and white! you have until SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th at MIDNIGHT to linky!

***Don't forget, we have BLOG CANDY up for grabs! there's still time to enter!***


  1. Yahooo!!! Hopefully I can get something created today!!!
    Kim xXx

  2. Karmyn, I'm shocked your first color challenge didn't include orange. =)

  3. this will be lots of fun, have to get myself organized and enter

  4. That is a GREAT RAK Karmyn... I wanna play, lol! :)

  5. Cool colour combo... I'm onto it :)

  6. I loved this one and had lots of fun with it, thanks :)

  7. This is so exciting! Congrats!!! I've got to get working!!!


The Design Dollies love to hear from fellow crafters - thank you for your feedback and comments! Come visit again soon!